How to maintain live plants instore

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March 16, 2023 at 4:32:04 PM PDT March 16, 2023 at 4:32:04 PM PDTth, March 16, 2023 at 4:32:04 PM PDT


How to care for live plants in store

When your plants arrive in store, we recommend:  

Placing plants in shallow plastic trays ideally on shelving for easy maintenance and to save space instore.  



On each Shelf position a Arcadia 22 Watt Jungle Dawn above the plants to enhance plant growth and vibrancy. Ensure there is a sufficient distance between the plants and the light.

Do not overwater plants. 

As a general rule of thumb once the top 1-2" of soil has become dry the plants need watering. 

Please refer to the care information on our Live Plant page for instructions on specific plant species. 

Do not let plants stand in water, ensure they are well drained after watering.