Time to mix it up

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January 10, 2025 at 9:03:01 AM PST January 10, 2025 at 9:03:01 AM PSTth, January 10, 2025 at 9:03:01 AM PST
Alternative live food

Alternative live food

Variety is the spice of life!

Animal husbandry and reptile keeping should be no different.
Providing reptiles with places to hide, room to move and naturalistic environments is widely accepted as a must in the world of reptile keeping. However, one component for a happy reptile often overlooked is providing a variety of live food to help stimulate their hunting instincts and keep them active! Offering a variety of food from a young age can encourage them to enjoy an assortment of insects and help prevent boredom.

Most keepers know nutrition is as important as proper heating and lighting for their pets, but they are sometimes restricted to one or two types of live food due to knowledge or availability.

This comprehensive table showcases what food is suitable for each life-stage of commonly kept reptiles. Share this with your customers or use it as a quick reference guide!

Bearded Dragon - Juvenile
Bearded Dragon - Adult
Leopard Gecko - Juvenile
Leopard Gecko - Adult
Crested Gecko - Juvenile
Crested Gecko - Adult
Yemen Chameleon - Juvenile
Yemen Chameleon - Adult
Green Anole - Juvenile
Green Anole - Adult
Amazon Milk Frog - Juvenile
Amazon Milk Frog - Adult
Whites Tree Frog - Juvenile
Whites Tree Frog - Adult
Green Tree Frog - Juvenile
Green Tree Frog - Adult
Red Eyed Tree Frog - Juvenile
Red Eyed Tree Frog - Adult
Horned Frog - Juvenile
Horned Frog - Adult
Scorpions - Juvenile
Scorpions - Adult
Praying Mantis